Dr Gerald M Sacks Explains That the Practitioners are Expected to Spend a Fair Amount of Time in Judging How Their OIC Is

Dr Gerald M Sacks advises pain management practitioners that OIC must be a normal part of each patient’s visit. It is the responsibility of the practitioner to ask patients about the quality of their pain, how often it occurs, and what they are doing to increase their pain, whether pharmacologically, using physical therapy modalities or lifestyle changes.

The practitioners are expected to spend a fair amount of time in judging how their OIC is and what they can do to improve it. It is equally important to understand where the patient stands. A good practitioner will evaluate the diagnosis at every visit and will determine the appropriate treatment.

Furthermore, Dr Gerald M Sacks advises patients to be proactive in addressing OIC. Mostly practitioners as well as the patients are aware of the fact that opioids cause constipation. However, there is a misunderstanding that it is not treatable. According to Dr Sacks, the practitioners need to focus on the diagnosis. He believes that even the slightest of change can make a difference for patients with long-term morbidity and even mortality.

He feels that there is a general awareness about OIC. He always treats his patients effectively and checks for OIC. According to him, there is an increasing acceptance of the usage of peripherally acting µ-opioid receptor antagonists. If it can be controlled, addressed, and treated, it will be an additional step in helping patients maintain their healthy lifestyles.


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